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Spreading the word about mange and educating as many people as possible is so important to the work we do. The more people who know what mange is and how to help, the better! Here’s some of the conversations we have been having about mange:
Co-founder of Kanimbla Wombats, Melinda Kerr has written and illustrated a children’s book to teach children and their communities about mange. Digger Gets The Itch is an educational story with profits going to Kanimbla Wombats to fund mange treatment programs for Bare Nosed Wombats. Get your copy below or send an email enquiry about booking a reading and workshop for your school or community group.

Blackheath News article with Melinda Kerr
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Co-founder of Kanimbla Wombats, Melinda Kerr has written and illustrated her second children’s book as part of her conservation series to teach children and their communities about wildlife and the issues they face.
Vinnie the Rescue Kangaroo is a true story about Melinda and her kangaroo “Baby Vincent”.
It was written as an educational story to teach families about the importance of driving slowly on country roads and to always stop to check the pouch of wildlife that has been hit.
Get your copy below or send an email enquiry about booking a reading and workshop for your school or community group.

ABC TV News article with Melinda Kerr
Conservationists warn wombats in areas affected by the New South Wales floods are at risk of becoming critically endangered as they struggle against habitat loss, disease and pneumonia.
Wombat populations have been devastated in recent years by bushfires and the spread of mange, a parasite that is often fatal for the animal.
Now, the heavy rainfall that has impacted large parts of the state is destroying wombat burrows.
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ABC interview on using recycled election corflutes
The election is over and corflutes have been taken down, but a volunteer wildlife organisation is encouraging people not to throw them in the bin.
Mange treatment organisation Kanimbla Wombats, based in central western NSW, is recycling corflutes to use as mange flaps.

Cathy Cavanagh interviews Anna Culliton
Anna Culliton is a registered wildlife carer and Wires volunteer in the Kanimbla Valley.
Her work with wombats is particularly significant in the Kanimbla where a history of poor farming practice, rabbit plagues and drought has affected biodiversity. Among the populations of wild animals that have managed to survive is the bare nosed wombat otherwise known as the common wombat.
Melinda Kerr interview with #itsawildlife
Melinda Kerr (pronouns: she/her) is a passionate wildlife carer who co-founded Kanimbla Wombats alongside Anna Culliton, which is a volunteer organization based in the central west of New South Wales, working hard to treat Bare-nosed Wombats suffering from mange. Mange is a poorly-known and yet completely treatable disease which affects Australia’s beautiful wombats.
Listen to the podcast

Julie Miller interviews Melinda Kerr
With their rotund bodies, cute underbite and backwards-facing pouches, Bare-nosed wombats are one of Australia’s most beloved marsupials. But although officially listed as having “no known threats”, wombat populations are in serious decline across Australia as they fall victim to a terrible, fatal disease – mange.
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Melinda Kerr interview with Blue Mountains Food Co-Op
“You may have noticed that we are collecting sweet potato donations in store for Kanimbla Wombats. Here’s a Q&A with Melinda Kerr from Kanimbla Wombats to learn a little more about their work.”
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Ask Roz interview with Melinda Kerr
Kanimbla Wombats is a volunteer organization working with Bare Nosed Wombats, treating wombats suffering from mange. Founded in 2020 by Melinda Kerr, and experienced wombat carer Anna Culliton.
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Melinda Kerr interview with Lithgow Mercury
“It can be heartbreaking to see our native wildlife suffering, but local organisation Kanimbla Wombats is doing its part to return the furry creatures to good health.“
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